Wednesday, April 21, 2010

do anything once...twice if i don't remember....

a neurologist reading the following probably would suspect an episode...the theme of the week so far? i must do everything twice!

first: dmv. i planned to knock out my official conversion from being a massachusetts denizen to becoming a new jersey one, license and registration in one trip. not to be. pre-middle-aged me forgot the title [see 'third' below]. so only license it was---with an inevitably chubbier-faced picture...i extrapolate into the future,  a visage fully engulfed by extra chins and jowels---and a hairline outsourced beyone the horizon. alas, registration had to wait for the next day...

second: returning the license plate...plates. went to the post office with only one to send back to taxachusetts [so that i can cancel my insurance there]...must...go...back home again, a second time [and i'm not even being redundant!]...#%$^#%...

third: excited to get a local library card----i think that this is the main reason i converted my license [avoiding the taxachusetts $1000 fine for not lining the pockets of the health insurance companies is a close second]...andy summers' well-wrought memoir, 'one train later', jumped out at me for the picking...scanning it over a diner dinner, so much seemed so familiar----even to the point of anticipating the specific language! some was...unfamiliar enough to make me think i never read it...ironic, since mr. summers seems to remember everything in fine detail, judging by his writing.

the jury's still out...and is apparently quite confused: i don't know if i've read this book or not!!! a first for me...a milestone i'm not proud of...

back home a second time....again....this also is the ur-theme of my boomerwranging back to live with my relationship, this lifetime, take two...


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